daily activity, your work, or family sometime make us stressful.
so, when we feel stress, try to follow this tips:
1. Go to bed 30 minutes early than usual.
2. Wake up 30 minutes early than usual.
3. Wear clean, comfortable, and fragrant cloth.
4. Listen your favorite music.
5. Exercise like swimming, or jogging.
6. Eat chocolate. This is very helpful for me. ^^
7. Deep breathing, release, deep breathing, and release..
8. Shower with warm water.
9. Read an interesting book or magazine.
10. Watch comedy, horror, or love movie. ^^
enjoy your day.. ^^
hahaha... emg bgn pagi bisa ngurangin stress ya?
btw, mandi aer anget kali yg bs nguranin stress...
dan.. komen terakhir...: seph ko lu bisa mengerti perasaan ibu melahirkan sih...? hehehe... ;p
hehehehe... =)
iya udah aku edit tuh, jadi mandi aer hanget.. ^^
hmm... emang nya kalo ibu melahirkan gitu ya? hahaha.. =D
yah.. semoga membantu yaa. hahaha...
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