Kelilingilah diri anda dengan orang-orang yang positif.
Anda akan menjadi seperti orang-orang dengan siapa anda bergaul.
Kalau anda ingin sukses, anda harus bergaul dengan orang-orang sukses.
-- sumber : buku kekuatan dari fokus, jack canfield, halaman 165
hi ocep, adeline here =D I have no idea what you wrote, ahaha. Oh, where is an indonesian dictionary when you need it? Haaha.
I think it is good to surround yourself with positive people. Because who you hang around with will be how you see the world, what I mean is, when you hang around positive people, you tend to feed off positive vibes from them =D
akhir2 ini sedang berusaha untuk tetap positif meskipun sulitnyaaaa.... hahaha....
perlu proses panjang, tapi bisa dilalui....
kaya si kura2 yang lomba lari sama si kancil....
Dia tetep berusaha meskipun susah hehehe....
Makin keren postingannya hehe... ^^
@adeline: hi adeline. :)
you are right. i think you already got what i mean. i'm so sorry i wrote my article in indonesian language.
but you've got what i mean. :)
and i like your comment:
"I think it is good to surround yourself with positive people. Because who you hang around with will be how you see the world, what I mean is, when you hang around positive people, you tend to feed off positive vibes from them"
Thanks.. :)
@gege: tetap semangat gege.. :)
perubahan bukan lah perubahan sampe terjadi perubahan. :D
so tetap semangat. ^^
hi ocep, haha. Adeline here. Thanks for being so kind on the meaning. No worries at all, that you wrote in indonesian. Sometimes some things are best expressed in our mother tongue, which you have done.
I, for one, can only express it in English (If i knew how to write it in mandarin, I would have you used a chinese dictionary or google chinese dictionary (good ol' technology!).
Bless those who can speak in more than one language other than english because at times there are no words in the 'English vocabulary' to describe what you feel, what you mean, because some times we just do not have it all, in the English vocabulary.
Peace out,
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