Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa is here

Christmas will come soon..

a lot of santas came into my office. =)

bring a lot of food.. ^^

yesterday, great santa brought a bunch of turkey.. big big turkey.. we couldn't finish it, although our staff who ate the turkey is about 15 people. ^^

and today, another kind santa brought a big cake for us. OMG!! so sweet. >,< i ate one slice only. i could make it..

ok.. we will see tomorrow what kind of christmas gift will be given by santa... ^^


Sylvia Phang said...

sama... di kantor g juga^^ hoho... tapi tetep ga semakmur kantor lu sih makananny. hehe...

Joseph said...

hahaha... di kantor kamu santa nya kirim apa aja nih? yummy... ^^

Sylvia Phang said...

ada coklat&kue dari canele^^ dan kue jeruk gt dr delifrance...

Just-Euphoria said...

Merry x'mas 08 and happy new year 2009 Joseph... hope the best God bless for you forever..

Mel Zhang said...

santa, kirimin gw juga donk.. heheh
santa joseph. :p

Joseph said...

Darwin: hi darwin.. merry christmas n happy new year yaa.. ^^
apa kabar nya win?

wish you all the best.. ^^

Joseph said...

Mel: santa udah kirimin hadiah nya untuk kamu.. ^^